Audition for LOVE LAND!

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for LOVE LAND!  Our team is committed to inclusive casting.  In an effort to discover talent who may have never had the opportunity to play a part in a professional production, we have prepared the following instructions for actors who may not have experience with feature film audition videos.  We can't wait to see your audition!

We are auditioning union and non-union actors and are currently applying to be a SAG Ultra Low Budget production.

1.   Download sides (audition scripts) here.
2.  Have a friend record you reading the sides TWO times, a bit differently each time.  We prefer that you have it memorized but it is not required.

3.  Upload your videos to YouTube or Vimeo.
4.  Click on the appropriate green button below for your audition method/location (video, Texas, or Los Angeles), fill out the appropriate form, and submit it to us!

We look forward to watching your video!

Our team is committed to inclusive casting.  In an effort to discover talent who may have never had the opportunity to play a part in a professional production, we have prepared the following instructions for actors who may not have experience with feature film audition videos. 

If you have ANY questions, please click here for more detailed instructions.